In the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina, Charlotte Henson fell in love with flying on her twelfth birthday, when her uncle took her and her twin sister, Anastasia, up in his single-engine biplane. Now that she’s sixteen, Charlotte is old enough to take flying lessons, despite the fact that her father forbids it. Behind is back, she conspires with Anastasia and recruits her mother to aid in her efforts to earn a pilot’s license.
She enrolls in her high school’s aviation class and gets a job at the local municipal airport, where she charms the staff with her work ethic and positive spunk. There, she befriends McQueen, a hot-looking pilot and aviation mechanic who’s also a star athlete at Charlotte’s school.
Flight training is exhilarating but intense, challenging Charlotte’s steely determination and making her doubt she has what it takes to become a Navy pilot. When Charlotte takes her friends flying and calamity occurs, she must use all she has learned to save their lives and prove to everyone, even herself, that her dream to fly is worth fighting for.
Hardly Easy is a story about inspiring and empowering teenagers to follow their dreams, especially when stepping outside their comfort zone might feel like stepping off a cliff.
Rave Reviews for Kimberley Jochl’s Debut Young Adult Novel, Hardly Easy
Here’s what kids, educators and influential aviators are saying about Hardly Easy:
“This clever novel encompasses a great deal of adolescent energy as it rolls from page to page, and when combined with a narrative about learning to fly small aircraft, it becomes a throwback tale of barnstorming itself. Hardly Easy quite literally flies, and you will enjoy your solo.” Larry Herrick, Survivor of 43 years in education: English, History and Government Teacher, Independent, Charter and Public Schools in difficult inner-city settings and large suburban institutions, Toas, NM
“I won’t spoil the plot too much, because I recommend you read it yourself.” Eighth Grade student, New Dimensions Charter School, Morganton, NC
“Kimberley Jochl inspires the unsuspecting reader through her unique gift of storytelling. In Hardly Easy you find yourself realizing that fear can be a marvelous tool for learning. This young adult novel would be a welcome addition to any library: personal, public, and perhaps most important, various educational libraries.” Patricia Anne Denkler, 1st woman to land a jet on a carrier, Beaufort, SC
“It is officially one of my favorite books.” Dr. Jacque Boyd, 2020 recipient of the Ninety-Nines Award of Achievement for Contributions to Aviation, Angel Fire, NM
“Every kid, male or female, who ever dreamed of flying or any other pursuit should read Hardly Easy. Not only will they learn something about flying and a bit about skiing they may also learn that things like skin color and sexual orientation do not determine how “good” a person is, all from the point of view of a cool teenager.” Len Bugel, 35-year High School Math and Science Teacher, Stratton Mountain School, South Londonderry, VT
“I am 12 and the story kept me interested from start to finish. I don’t normally get tied into books, but this one kept me wanting to read more. I highly recommend it!” Seventh Grade student, Valle Crucis Middle School, Valle Crucis, NC
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